Acrylic on Plywood
The Colour:Form:Ratio Dimensional Painting Series evolved from Alice’s interest in painting, as well as colour, form and geometric abstraction. Alice aims to arrive at harmonious colour–form combinations and presents a different approach to painting that she feels is more in keeping with her interests in colour and form.
One of the intentions of the series is to pose questions about our perception and understanding of painting. Alice’s work combines sculptural elements and painted compositions. She explores the notion of painting-as-object, challenging the traditional idea of painting as rectilinear canvases.
Rather than displaying paintings as two-dimensional surfaces, Alice’s works project from the wall. This projection into space occurs in two ways: because of the three-dimensionality of the painted object, and the spatial illusions created by the use of colour. Alice explores the sublime qualities of colour and the optical effects that can be achieved through different colour combinations.
Alice’s initial point of departure is the construction of the form itself. Once the proportions of the forms are resolved, coordinates are used to plot arcs and ratios are utilised to determine the colour compositions with direct reference to the forms. The materiality of the work is also carefully considered. Forms are constructed from bent plywood and the resulting works retain the subtle evidence of the timber grain as well as the brushstrokes of matt acrylic paint.